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Our Mid-Year Homeschool Updates

We are just passed our mid-way point, and this year has been so very good. We've explored dinosaur tracks, gone hiking with friends, served in our community, and learned a whole lot along the way.

For the first time in our homeschool journey, I decided to share our goals, progress, and reflections. I started sharing WEEK 1 and WEEKS 2 and 3 on Instagram and then decided to just wait until the end of each term to share on YouTube.

This year, my children are in 2nd, 5th, and 8th grade. For us, each term consists of six weeks. At the beginning of each term, I use my Bucket Planner to record our term goals, write out our lesson plans, and track our progress along the way. At the end of each term, I then work through a reflection form in the planner to take note of what is working, what needs to be changed or added, and what needs to be taken out.

Join me in the videos below for A-L-L the details on the curriculum and resources we enjoyed, loved, and swapped along the way this first half of our school year.

Term 1 Homeschool Update

Term 2 Homeschool Update

Term 3 Homeschool Update

Sure, there were shifts and bumps along the way, but in the end, we have made significant gains in accomplishing our goals and have shared some really special memories.

How is your homeschool year going? What's working for you this year?



Hi, I'm Veronica! 


I'm a follower of Christ, a wife to the love of my life, and a homeschool mom. I am also a step-mama and have an amazing son, daughter-in-love, and three of the sweetest grand-babies you'll ever meet!


I am a former middle school teacher and educational consultant turned homeschool mom and am passionate about Jesus, home education, reading, writing, and seeking truth. I also have a heart for simple living, health and nutrition, organization, planning, and helping homeschoolers walk in freedom. :)


Join me for the journey as we seek to connect with what matters most. 


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